Aleister Crowley Reviews Lord Dunsany
(too old to reply)
Dan Clore
2012-01-19 19:08:35 UTC

(This makes one mistake. While HPL did attend a reading by Lord Dunsany,
he didn't meet him, despite his friends urging him to talk to him.)

This review is more of a panegyric prose-poem than literary criticism,
but fans of Crowley and Dunsany should love it. (I sure do--)

Crowley wrote to Dunsany (who confirmed that unlike Crowley, he had no
experience with hashish), and Dunsany contributed the short story "The
Sphinx at Gizeh" to Crowley's periodical The Equinox. It appeared in
volume one, issue number two, and was collected in Fifty-One Tales
(reprinted in the Newcastle Forgotten Fantasy series as The Food of
Death: Fifty-One Tales, unfortunately omitted for no apparent reason in
the Fantasy Masterworks omnibus Time and the Gods -- so that the book
has Dunsany's first five fiction books and the seventh, which also
bizarrely puts Dunsany's first book last, even though the second is sort
of a sequel to it).

Crowley's poem "The Giant's Thumb: The Message of Thuba Mleen" involves
material from the Dunsany stories "Bethmoora" and "The Hashish Man":

Dan Clore

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"Tho-ag in Zhi-gyu slept seven Khorlo. Zodmanas
zhiba. All Nyug bosom. Konch-hog not; Thyan-Kam
not; Lha-Chohan not; Tenbrel Chugnyi not;
Dharmakaya ceased; Tgenchang not become; Barnang
and Ssa in Ngovonyidj; alone Tho-og Yinsin in
night of Sun-chan and Yong-grub (Parinishpanna),
&c., &c.,"
-- The Book of Dzyan.
catt's x Files
2012-01-27 03:13:36 UTC
