Noah's Dove
2010-01-26 22:32:33 UTC
The following notes, links and references will attempt to establish
parallels with ancient shapeshifting mythological gods and entities
and the modern alien shapeshifters related to ufo abductions and
contactee experiences. There were various reason for shapeshifting as
we will see.
[1] And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the
earth, and daughters were born unto them,
[2] That the sons of God (fallen angels) saw the daughters of men that
they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
[4] There were giants (Nephilim) in the earth in those days; and also
after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men,
and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were
of old, men of renown.
Shapeshifting, transformations and metamorphoses serve a wide variety
of purposes in classical mythology.
Examples of shapeshifting in classical literature include many
examples in Ovid's Metamorphoses, Circe's transforming of Odysseus'
men to pigs in Homer's The Odyssey, and Apuleius's Lucius becoming a
donkey in The Golden Ass.
In Homer's, The Odyssey, the goddess Athena transforms her appearance
on multiple occasions throughout: She appears to Odysseus' son
Telemachus as Mentor (Mentes);She transforms herself into a girl named
Dymas; a young girl; the herald of King Alcinous; a young herdsman;
materializes from a young man into a tall woman, etc. She even
transforms Odysseus into a beggar so that no one in his household ,
including the suitors, would recognize him.
Proteus among the gods was particularly noted for his shape-shifting;
both Menelaus and Aristaeus seized him to win information from him,
and succeeded only because they held on during his manifold shape
Gianlorenzo Bernini, Apollo pursuing an unwilling Daphne who
transforms into a laurel tree.
While the Greek gods could use transformation punitively — as for
Arachne, turned to a spider for her pride in her weaving, and Medusa,
turned to a monster for having sexual intercourse with Poseidon in
Athena's temple — even more frequently, the tales using it are of
amorous adventure. Zeus repeatedly transformed himself to approach
mortal women, both as a means of gaining access:
Danaë as a shower of gold
Europa as a bull
Leda as a swan
Alcmene as her husband
or to attempt to conceal his affair from Hera
Io, as a cloud, and Io herself as a white heifer.
Zeus fathered many children through mortal women. See
Back in ancient Greece people reported being abducted by the gods,
nymphs, satyrs (Pan), etc. Sometimes children or demigods with special
abilities were born (Heracles, Alexander, etc.) This is depicted in
the TV movie Hercules 2005.
There seems to be many parallels with alien encounters, abductions and
hybrid children being born. Jesus says the end times will be like it
was at the time of Noah. The time of Noah was period in ancient
history when the Watchers or fallen angels were active in the moral
and genetic corruption of the human race and animals. The book of
Genesis and the Book of Enoch makes mention of this. The Watchers also
wanted worship so they posed as a multitude of gods and goddesses.
The problems with polytheism is obvious. There is no real God who is
in charge, so the many gods fight wars and steal one another's wives.
There's no basis for morals, truth or peace in heaven or earth.
Polytheism's basic problem is diversity without unity. - Dave Hunt
[26] And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days
of the Son of man.
Video link to the Greek pagan revival and modern worship of the
Olympian gods.
UFO Cults and religions tend also to be polytheistic ....instead of
worshipping gods, aliens are worshipped or treated as enlightened
spiritual teachers and guides. However is a dark side to so called
alien encounters and shapeshifting and deception are often part of the
Alien Shapeshifters: mentioned in Abductions in the Gingerbread House
- by Dr. Karla Turner
According to Dr. Karla Turner, who has worked with over 400 abduction
cases and has written the book "Into the Fringe", says if abduction
accounts can be believed and there is confirmation of many of these
facts with other researchers - the abduction phenomena includes some
of the following details: from -UFO Universe, Spring 1993. Aliens -
Friends or Foes by Dr. Karla Turner:
Aliens can alter our perceptions of our surroundings.
Aliens can control what we think we see. They can appear to us any
number of guises and shapes.
Aliens can be present with us in an invisible state and can make
themselves only partially visible.
Abductees receive marks on their bodies other than the well-known
scoops and straight-line scars. These other marks include single
punctures, multiple punctures, large bruises, three-and four fingered
claw marks, and trangles of every possible sort.
Female abductees often suffer serious gynecological problems after
their alien encounters, and sometimes these problems lead to cysts,
tumors, cancer of the breast and uterus, and to hysterectomies.
A surprising number of abductees suffer from serious illnesses they
didn't have before their encounters. These have led to surgery,
debilitation, and even death from causes the doctors can't identify.
Abductees often encounter more than one sort of alien during an
experience, not just the greys. Every possible combination of grey,
reptoid, insectoid, blond, and widow's peak have been seen during
single abductions, aboard the same craft or in the same facility.
Abductees report being scoffed at, jeered at, and threatened by their
alien captors. Painful genital and anal probes are performed...
Unknown fluids are injected into some abductees.
Abductees-"virgin" cases- report being taken to underground facilities
where they see grotesque hybrid creatures, nurseries of hybrid
humanoid fetuses, and vats of colored liquid filled with parts of
human bodies.
Abductees report seeing other humans in these facilities being drained
of blood, being mutilated, flayed, and dismembered, and stacked,
lifeless like cords of wood. Some abductees have been threatened that
they, too, will end up in this condition if they don't co-operate with
their alien captors.
Aliens come into homes and temporarily remove young children, leaving
their distraught parents paralyzed and helpless. In cases where a
parent has been able to protest, the aliens insist that "The children
belong to us."
Aliens have forced their human abductees to have sexual intercourse
with aliens and even with other abductees while groups of aliens
observe these performances. In such encounters, the aliens have
sometimes disguised themselves in order to gain the cooperation of the
abductee, appearing in such forms as Jesus, the Pope, certain
celebrities, and even the dead spouses of the abductees.
Aliens perform extremely painful experiments or procedures on
abductees, saying that these acts are necessary but give no
explanation why.....Painful genital and anal probes are performed, on
children as well as adults.
Aliens make predictions of an imminent period of global chaos and
destruction. They say that a certain number of humans...will be
"rescued" from the planet in order to continue the species, either on
another planet or back on earth after the destruction is over. Many
abductees report they don't believe their alien captors and foresee
instead a much more sinister use of the "rescued" humans.
"In every instance from this list, there are multiple reports from
unrelated cases, confirming that such bizarre details are not the
product of a single deranged mind. These details are convincing
evidence that, contrary to the claims of many UFO researchers, the
abduction experience isn't limited to uniform pattern of events. This
phenomenon simply can't be explained in terms of cross- breeding
experiments or scientific research into the human physiology.......
Before we allow ourselves to believe in the benevolence of the alien
interaction , we should ask, do enlightened beings need to use the
cover of night to perform good deeds? Do they need to paralyze us and
render us helpless to resist? Do angels need to steal our fetuses? Do
they need to manipulate our children's genitals and probe our rectums?
Are fear, pain, and deception consistent with high spiritual
motives?" ......Dr. Karla Turner.
The True Nature Of The 'UFO Entities'
By Gordon Creighton
Flying Saucer Review Vol. 29, No. 5
One of the more curious features of the followers of the various
religions is that, being so dogmatically certain that in their own
particular little faith they already possess the whole truth about all
things in Heaven and Earth, it almost never occurs to any of them to
look elsewhere and find out what the followers of other religions may
know or may have discovered. This is certainly a pity, for study of
all the great world religions - and notably Islam one of the world's
great religions - yields valuable clues as to the true nature of the
"UFO Phenomenon" Islam knows, in fact, of the existence of three
entirely separate and distinct species of intelligent beings in the
Universe, and indeed can furnish surprisingly precise details
regarding their natures and roles and activities. Angels, Men, and
The Chief Characteristics of the Jinns are:
1. In the normal state they are not visible to ordinary human sight.
2. They are, however, capable of materializing and appearing in the
physical world. And they can alternately make themselves visible or
invisible at will.
3. They can change shape, and appear in any sort of guise, large or
4. They are able also to appear in the guise of animals.
5. They are inveterate liars and deceivers, and delight in bamboozling
and misleading mankind with all manner of nonsense. (See the average
Spiritualist séance for examples of their activities, and also the
usual "communications" from UFO entities in close-encounter cases.)
6. They are addicted to the abduction or kidnapping of humans. (The
Scotsman Robert Kirk, who wrote "The Secret Commonwealth" in 1691,
evidently "knew more than was good for his health", and was killed by
7. They delight in tempting humans into sexual intercourse and
liaisons with them, and Arabic literature abounds with accounts of
this kind of contact by mankind with both the "goodies" and the
"baddies" among the Jinns. There are also even a considerable number
of accounts of encounters between the "goodies" and famous Muslim
In official Islam - and this cannot be over-emphasized - the existence
of the Jinn's has always been completely accepted, even legally, and
even to this day, in Islamic jurisprudence. The full consequences
implied by their existence were worked out long ago. Their legal
status, in all respects, was discussed and fixed, and the possible
relations between them and mankind -- especially in relation to
questions of marriage and property! - were seriously examined by
jurists, as the greatest and most authoritative Western source, the
Encyclopedia of Islam, confirms. Stories of sexual commerce between
Jinn's and mankind have been of perennial interest to Arab readers,
and it is important at this point to mention that in Chinese
literature there is also a considerable tradition of this sort which
awaits examination by Ufologists. The great Arabic literary catalogue
known as the Fihrist, compiled in the year 373 of the Muslim Calendar
( = A.D. 995) by Muhammad bin Ishaq bin Abi Ya'qub al-Nadim al-Warraq
al-Baghdadi, lists no less than sixteen works dealing with this theme.
(Compare also the European occultists' records of sexual contact
between men and female Sylphs, as well as the copious medieval
Christian records relating to Incubi and Succabae.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Incubus, 1870
An incubus (plural incubi) is a demon in male form supposed to lie
upon sleepers, especially women, in order to have sexual intercourse
with them, according to a number of mythological and legendary
traditions. Its female counterpart is the succubus. An incubus may
pursue sexual relations with a woman in order to father a child, as in
the legend of Merlin.[1] Some sources indicate that it may be
identified by its unnaturally large or cold sexual organ.[2] Religious
tradition holds that repeated intercourse with an incubus or succubus
may result in the deterioration of health, or even death.[3]
Medieval legend claims that demons, both male and female, sexually
prey on human beings. They generally prey upon the victim while they
are sleeping, though it has been reported that females have been
attacked while fully lucid.
[14] And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of
Click the following link to watch Joe Jordon's talk in Roswell New
Mexico for further documentation.
"UnHoly Communion: The Spiritual Nature Of Abduction Reports"
Online Now
parallels with ancient shapeshifting mythological gods and entities
and the modern alien shapeshifters related to ufo abductions and
contactee experiences. There were various reason for shapeshifting as
we will see.
[1] And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the
earth, and daughters were born unto them,
[2] That the sons of God (fallen angels) saw the daughters of men that
they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
[4] There were giants (Nephilim) in the earth in those days; and also
after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men,
and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were
of old, men of renown.
Shapeshifting, transformations and metamorphoses serve a wide variety
of purposes in classical mythology.
Examples of shapeshifting in classical literature include many
examples in Ovid's Metamorphoses, Circe's transforming of Odysseus'
men to pigs in Homer's The Odyssey, and Apuleius's Lucius becoming a
donkey in The Golden Ass.
In Homer's, The Odyssey, the goddess Athena transforms her appearance
on multiple occasions throughout: She appears to Odysseus' son
Telemachus as Mentor (Mentes);She transforms herself into a girl named
Dymas; a young girl; the herald of King Alcinous; a young herdsman;
materializes from a young man into a tall woman, etc. She even
transforms Odysseus into a beggar so that no one in his household ,
including the suitors, would recognize him.
Proteus among the gods was particularly noted for his shape-shifting;
both Menelaus and Aristaeus seized him to win information from him,
and succeeded only because they held on during his manifold shape
Gianlorenzo Bernini, Apollo pursuing an unwilling Daphne who
transforms into a laurel tree.
While the Greek gods could use transformation punitively — as for
Arachne, turned to a spider for her pride in her weaving, and Medusa,
turned to a monster for having sexual intercourse with Poseidon in
Athena's temple — even more frequently, the tales using it are of
amorous adventure. Zeus repeatedly transformed himself to approach
mortal women, both as a means of gaining access:
Danaë as a shower of gold
Europa as a bull
Leda as a swan
Alcmene as her husband
or to attempt to conceal his affair from Hera
Io, as a cloud, and Io herself as a white heifer.
Zeus fathered many children through mortal women. See
Back in ancient Greece people reported being abducted by the gods,
nymphs, satyrs (Pan), etc. Sometimes children or demigods with special
abilities were born (Heracles, Alexander, etc.) This is depicted in
the TV movie Hercules 2005.
There seems to be many parallels with alien encounters, abductions and
hybrid children being born. Jesus says the end times will be like it
was at the time of Noah. The time of Noah was period in ancient
history when the Watchers or fallen angels were active in the moral
and genetic corruption of the human race and animals. The book of
Genesis and the Book of Enoch makes mention of this. The Watchers also
wanted worship so they posed as a multitude of gods and goddesses.
The problems with polytheism is obvious. There is no real God who is
in charge, so the many gods fight wars and steal one another's wives.
There's no basis for morals, truth or peace in heaven or earth.
Polytheism's basic problem is diversity without unity. - Dave Hunt
[26] And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days
of the Son of man.
Video link to the Greek pagan revival and modern worship of the
Olympian gods.
UFO Cults and religions tend also to be polytheistic ....instead of
worshipping gods, aliens are worshipped or treated as enlightened
spiritual teachers and guides. However is a dark side to so called
alien encounters and shapeshifting and deception are often part of the
Alien Shapeshifters: mentioned in Abductions in the Gingerbread House
- by Dr. Karla Turner
According to Dr. Karla Turner, who has worked with over 400 abduction
cases and has written the book "Into the Fringe", says if abduction
accounts can be believed and there is confirmation of many of these
facts with other researchers - the abduction phenomena includes some
of the following details: from -UFO Universe, Spring 1993. Aliens -
Friends or Foes by Dr. Karla Turner:
Aliens can alter our perceptions of our surroundings.
Aliens can control what we think we see. They can appear to us any
number of guises and shapes.
Aliens can be present with us in an invisible state and can make
themselves only partially visible.
Abductees receive marks on their bodies other than the well-known
scoops and straight-line scars. These other marks include single
punctures, multiple punctures, large bruises, three-and four fingered
claw marks, and trangles of every possible sort.
Female abductees often suffer serious gynecological problems after
their alien encounters, and sometimes these problems lead to cysts,
tumors, cancer of the breast and uterus, and to hysterectomies.
A surprising number of abductees suffer from serious illnesses they
didn't have before their encounters. These have led to surgery,
debilitation, and even death from causes the doctors can't identify.
Abductees often encounter more than one sort of alien during an
experience, not just the greys. Every possible combination of grey,
reptoid, insectoid, blond, and widow's peak have been seen during
single abductions, aboard the same craft or in the same facility.
Abductees report being scoffed at, jeered at, and threatened by their
alien captors. Painful genital and anal probes are performed...
Unknown fluids are injected into some abductees.
Abductees-"virgin" cases- report being taken to underground facilities
where they see grotesque hybrid creatures, nurseries of hybrid
humanoid fetuses, and vats of colored liquid filled with parts of
human bodies.
Abductees report seeing other humans in these facilities being drained
of blood, being mutilated, flayed, and dismembered, and stacked,
lifeless like cords of wood. Some abductees have been threatened that
they, too, will end up in this condition if they don't co-operate with
their alien captors.
Aliens come into homes and temporarily remove young children, leaving
their distraught parents paralyzed and helpless. In cases where a
parent has been able to protest, the aliens insist that "The children
belong to us."
Aliens have forced their human abductees to have sexual intercourse
with aliens and even with other abductees while groups of aliens
observe these performances. In such encounters, the aliens have
sometimes disguised themselves in order to gain the cooperation of the
abductee, appearing in such forms as Jesus, the Pope, certain
celebrities, and even the dead spouses of the abductees.
Aliens perform extremely painful experiments or procedures on
abductees, saying that these acts are necessary but give no
explanation why.....Painful genital and anal probes are performed, on
children as well as adults.
Aliens make predictions of an imminent period of global chaos and
destruction. They say that a certain number of humans...will be
"rescued" from the planet in order to continue the species, either on
another planet or back on earth after the destruction is over. Many
abductees report they don't believe their alien captors and foresee
instead a much more sinister use of the "rescued" humans.
"In every instance from this list, there are multiple reports from
unrelated cases, confirming that such bizarre details are not the
product of a single deranged mind. These details are convincing
evidence that, contrary to the claims of many UFO researchers, the
abduction experience isn't limited to uniform pattern of events. This
phenomenon simply can't be explained in terms of cross- breeding
experiments or scientific research into the human physiology.......
Before we allow ourselves to believe in the benevolence of the alien
interaction , we should ask, do enlightened beings need to use the
cover of night to perform good deeds? Do they need to paralyze us and
render us helpless to resist? Do angels need to steal our fetuses? Do
they need to manipulate our children's genitals and probe our rectums?
Are fear, pain, and deception consistent with high spiritual
motives?" ......Dr. Karla Turner.
The True Nature Of The 'UFO Entities'
By Gordon Creighton
Flying Saucer Review Vol. 29, No. 5
One of the more curious features of the followers of the various
religions is that, being so dogmatically certain that in their own
particular little faith they already possess the whole truth about all
things in Heaven and Earth, it almost never occurs to any of them to
look elsewhere and find out what the followers of other religions may
know or may have discovered. This is certainly a pity, for study of
all the great world religions - and notably Islam one of the world's
great religions - yields valuable clues as to the true nature of the
"UFO Phenomenon" Islam knows, in fact, of the existence of three
entirely separate and distinct species of intelligent beings in the
Universe, and indeed can furnish surprisingly precise details
regarding their natures and roles and activities. Angels, Men, and
The Chief Characteristics of the Jinns are:
1. In the normal state they are not visible to ordinary human sight.
2. They are, however, capable of materializing and appearing in the
physical world. And they can alternately make themselves visible or
invisible at will.
3. They can change shape, and appear in any sort of guise, large or
4. They are able also to appear in the guise of animals.
5. They are inveterate liars and deceivers, and delight in bamboozling
and misleading mankind with all manner of nonsense. (See the average
Spiritualist séance for examples of their activities, and also the
usual "communications" from UFO entities in close-encounter cases.)
6. They are addicted to the abduction or kidnapping of humans. (The
Scotsman Robert Kirk, who wrote "The Secret Commonwealth" in 1691,
evidently "knew more than was good for his health", and was killed by
7. They delight in tempting humans into sexual intercourse and
liaisons with them, and Arabic literature abounds with accounts of
this kind of contact by mankind with both the "goodies" and the
"baddies" among the Jinns. There are also even a considerable number
of accounts of encounters between the "goodies" and famous Muslim
In official Islam - and this cannot be over-emphasized - the existence
of the Jinn's has always been completely accepted, even legally, and
even to this day, in Islamic jurisprudence. The full consequences
implied by their existence were worked out long ago. Their legal
status, in all respects, was discussed and fixed, and the possible
relations between them and mankind -- especially in relation to
questions of marriage and property! - were seriously examined by
jurists, as the greatest and most authoritative Western source, the
Encyclopedia of Islam, confirms. Stories of sexual commerce between
Jinn's and mankind have been of perennial interest to Arab readers,
and it is important at this point to mention that in Chinese
literature there is also a considerable tradition of this sort which
awaits examination by Ufologists. The great Arabic literary catalogue
known as the Fihrist, compiled in the year 373 of the Muslim Calendar
( = A.D. 995) by Muhammad bin Ishaq bin Abi Ya'qub al-Nadim al-Warraq
al-Baghdadi, lists no less than sixteen works dealing with this theme.
(Compare also the European occultists' records of sexual contact
between men and female Sylphs, as well as the copious medieval
Christian records relating to Incubi and Succabae.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Incubus, 1870
An incubus (plural incubi) is a demon in male form supposed to lie
upon sleepers, especially women, in order to have sexual intercourse
with them, according to a number of mythological and legendary
traditions. Its female counterpart is the succubus. An incubus may
pursue sexual relations with a woman in order to father a child, as in
the legend of Merlin.[1] Some sources indicate that it may be
identified by its unnaturally large or cold sexual organ.[2] Religious
tradition holds that repeated intercourse with an incubus or succubus
may result in the deterioration of health, or even death.[3]
Medieval legend claims that demons, both male and female, sexually
prey on human beings. They generally prey upon the victim while they
are sleeping, though it has been reported that females have been
attacked while fully lucid.
[14] And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of
Click the following link to watch Joe Jordon's talk in Roswell New
Mexico for further documentation.
"UnHoly Communion: The Spiritual Nature Of Abduction Reports"
Online Now